Fumar Friday 3.1.13

I decided to go with the tobacco of the eastern variety. Hookah is very relaxing and, when enjoyed with the right beverage, like a glass of Canadian Club, can really get you in a gooooood mood. The tobacco this week is double apple + sweet melon by Romman. That’s my Fumar Friday, what are you smokin?


Fumar Friday, Shishyeah!

This week I’m doin Fumar Friday with a little taste of the Mediterranean, along with a 6 pack of Racer 5 IPA. I like racing, and I like this beer! The shisha I’m using is Blue Mist by Star Buzz. It’s like you’re smoking a blueberry… or a smurf. But like, a hot one. Ugh! Nevermind. Blue Mist and Racer 5 IPA, makes for a goooooood evening. What you smokin?


Fumar Finale: Best smoke of 2012

Just thought I’d share with you all what, in my opinion, was the best cigar I smoked in 2012. And the winner is Alec Bradley’s Black Market Churchill (ABBM as I refer to it). And tonight, I’m enjoying it with a Captain and a Dr. Pick these up, enjoy, and ring in the New Year right! Happy 2013, and Fume On!



Fumar Friday Recommendation

Just something I tried tonight.

Stick: Patel 15th Anniversary (has a couple silver rings round it)
What I call a smooth, full bodied cigar. I prefer a punch-cut AFTER lighting it (if you’re skilled) and playing some Iron and Wine in the background… Anyway. Be sure to eat prior because it is a bullride if you don’t!

Drink: 10 Cane Rum
On the rocks, in low ball glass (of course) complements the stick well and isn’t too strong an effect if enjoy smoothly.

And the best part: can both be picked up for around $30 total at Specs. Enjoy!